Emotional Eating as a Subconscious Form of Defending from the Women’s Stress

Let’s talk now about how stress can lead to overeating as a form of self-defence or compensation against our stressful living. Negative emotions and loads from our busy daily life bring us more and more stressors and we could really feel at some point like losers in life as we upset both our energy and mood, health and success in a very intensive way. In return, as a subconscious defending reaction, we begin to eat more than needed and we gain in weight.

Negative emotions and reactions are usually caused by time and duty pressures on a daily basis. Thoughts and feelings are also energies, which have invisible forms and specific vibrations, so the way we think and feel attracts like energies – thus we manifest and create everything in our life.

We start eating more and more when we are under stress because in this way we feel more comfortable, safe and protected. The so called ”emotional eating” is connected with more sweet things in our diet like chocolate, cakes and sweeties and it is an unconscious act of protecting ourselves and feeling loved, respected and appreciated by others, including ourselves.

The final result of all this is overweight and nightmares, food addictions and depression. We feel we are losing ourselves and begin to hate our physical body, especially when we look at ourselves in the mirror. We gain more belly fat and as a result, we could have heart problems and medical disorders.

So what can we do as a prevention from these addictions and food cravings? I know that the process is difficult, because it is rooted in our behavioral models and thinking patterns. A simple approach toward reducing your appetite is to drink a glass of water when you feel hungry. Eating 5 – 6 small meals a day is also a good and gentle way to feel sated and stay on the track.

Remember that the key to resolve your overweight problems is not in counting the calories you take with your food, but in a different approach to eating. Be more conscious and grateful for all you put in mouth, chew it very slowly and with delight. It is good to write down in a dairy to write down what you have found as most helpful for your diet and health.

Start right now to look after your nutrition habits if you want to have a happier and healthier life. Practice conscious eating for at least 21 days to see what will change in your life. The way you eat shows and affects the way you receive things and blessings in life. Take one of the tips I shared above and begin to practice it or do them all to see which one will bring you the best results. I will be glad, if you share your experience and the notes from your diary with me.

You can read more relevant information in my eBook "How to practice the lesson of BYBV". You can download the eBook for free right now!
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Category: Stress Management