Being Present Now Reduces Stress Tremendously

When we work intensively for long enough, we lose much of our energy and become tired, even exhausted. We push harder ourselves when our busy life demands it and thus we disengage ourselves from being here now. In fact we become unable to turn off this circle of tension and lose our power and health by trying to cope with everything life triggers us to do on a daily basis. I am talking about this based on my own experience because energy exhaustion is our modern disease and we all have it more or less as an issue in our lives.

A year ago I read the book “The power of full engagement– Managing energy, not time is the key to high performance and personal renewal”, by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz and I was impressed to understand that the key to personal development and peaceful, engaged life is mastering your energy flow instead of managing time. The dynamics of engagement consists of high and low energies and especially pleasant and unpleasant ones. Working without breaks is addictive but unproductive. I have been doing this for many years and know how exhausted it could be, because the busier we are, the more important we seem to be to ourselves and, as we imagine, to others. This finally results in depression and anxiety, exhaustion and deteriorated health. At some point we can not stand this state, but  do not know where to stop and how to set up our new priorities. So, we need a strategy to handle our new responsibilities that modern life gives us day by day.

The abovementioned book is really very motivational following the idea of positive energy rituals that support the targeting change was useful for me and gave me more user friendly daily schedule and more free time for rejuvenation and relaxation. So, how can you feel better and achieve more energy and vitality in your stressful life? The first thing is to follow a daily routine as a frame of stability, where you can easily integrate the new and unexpected things transforming all negative energies into positive. The second thing is to take regular breaks at every working hour, especially if you work with electronic devices; and if possible, to shift your activities from mental to physical. I did it for myself and doubled my productivity in this way. The third thing I recommend to you is to have 5 -6 small meals throughout the day considering well what you put in your mouth.

It is time for you to make some efforts in the direction of improving your health and wealth by dedicating more resources and time to yourself so that you can better meet your own needs and wishes. Self-transformation and changing your behavioral patterns is not an easy process, but it will bring you great results, if you are willing to try it and persist in doing it. Remember, it is a good decision to leave your office by 5:30 p.m. 2 days per week. And you may know what Charles Kettering says: “You can’t have a better tomorrow, if you are thinking about yesterday”.

You can read more relevant information in my eBook "How to practice the lesson of BYBV". You can download the eBook for free right now!
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Category: Stress Management