5 Simple Tips to Reduce Women’s Stress and Have a Healthy and Happy Life

There is an infinite amount of information on stress management and stress reduction. Stress is number one among the reasons for all modern diseases and disorders. Reducing stress levels and learning how to manage stress on a daily basis will make our life healthier and more harmonious in time and space filled with more fun and joy.

Stress is pressure or worry caused by problems in everyday life. Stress is a process happening almost all the time and in small amounts it serves as a natural drive towards our personal development and spiritual improvement. But when poorly managed stress gives tension to the physical body and causes us feel negative emotions like anxiety, anger and rage. When you are not able to handle your emotions and reactions anymore and begin expressing them in unwanted ways or even worse, hiding and suppressing them in yourself, then you get easily exhausted and drained of your energy and power.

Let me share with you a part of my personal experience in the field of women’s stress management. I have worked professionally in the fitness industry with many women and have supported them to look and feel better, to live a happier life and create a more positive environment around them. After many years of research I have found out that there are some small practical tips that can help us reduce the stress levels on a daily basis. They are simple to be applied, but are very efficient: leading us to good results when we want to quickly reduce and eliminate our stressors.

Here are the top 5 most efficient tips, which you can use to reduce and get rid of daily stress:

1. Drink a Glass of Warm-to-Hot Boiled Water when You Wake up in the Morning. Drink your glass of warm-to-hot boiled water when you get up in the morning, before you have breakfast and drink coffee or tea, because in your night sleep your body goes through a process of detoxification. Therefore, when you wake up in the morning and drink a glass of warm-to-hot water, this will help the release of toxins from your body and cleansing of your kidneys and you will begin the new day with purified body cells.

2. Have a daily routine. Having a daily routine will help you be more organized not wasting your time and energy, maintaining healthy habits and preserving your good physical, emotional and mental condition. The routine may include some physical exercises like doing rolls with your neck, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles; some stretching or other exercises promoting the flexibility and functionality of your joints, organs and spine.

3. Breathe deeply for a minute or two (the more, the better) while you are waiting for your coffee to get ready. Focusing on your breadth will calm down your nervous system in a simple and natural way and will connect you with your true power and grace. Shallow breathing is related with fear, stress and all other negative emotions. We do not really think y of how we breathe because this is a process that happens by itself. But when we become aware of our breathing and focus on your inhale and exhale, taking and holding deep breadths, this reduces stress in a very simple and effective way.

4. Take balanced food, preferably fresh and clean of chemicals. Observe the quality and quantity of your meals. Eating 4-5 small meals throughout the day will improve your health and reduce stress in a very natural way.

5. Try to be relaxed and have some fun on a daily basis. The best way to get relaxed is to do a stretching exercise, because the quickest way to transform all negative energies and stress and to stimulate your body cells is through gentle and simple movements. All stretching exercises bring the energy back into the physical body and transform the negative energy into positive, so you feel rejuvenated and happy.

Come on, you can start doing these things right now and you will reduce your stressors on a daily basis. See what you can do to clean the body toxins, to change the quality of your food and to become more conscious of your breath. Consider and apply these basic tips for a healthy and happy life and you will really forget about all this complicated information on improving yourselves and your life, because you and life are perfect now and you just need to align to this perfection.

You can read more relevant information in my eBook "How to practice the lesson of BYBV". You can download the eBook for free right now!
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Category: Stress Management