A Useful Tip for Reducing Your Daily Stress

Let’s talk about how useful it is to find your own unique way of handling with the daily stressors that will allow you to have a peaceful and harmonious life. Using your unique approach to stress treatment is crucial for your wellbeing and healthy lifestyle throughout your journey on the planet Earth.

We all have ups and downs in life no matter how aware of this we are or how many meditation practices we do regularly. However, the state of awareness helps us understand that ups and downs in life are both blessings which we may receive in gratitude or just miss them and also challenges and lessons we need to pass and learn in order to develop and move ahead. In other words, life renders “blessons” to us so that we could clean space for something new and powerful to come in our surroundings which will make us advance in our evolution.

Nowadays, in the new energies and trends of oneness, there is no need to pass through your trials and struggle alone when falling in a complicated situation or dealing with a difficult person; because someone else has already had similar experience and it is up to you to access it and start learning from it.

As you may know, we are all connected and live in a big energy-information field; everything is energy and where the thought goes, the energy flows, so energy transforms itself constantly and we attract everything into our life according to the energy field we have: it is good to remember that in order to mind each of our thoughts, feelings, desires, words and actions and so that we could take the right decision in a challenging situation..

Realizing that you are never alone helps you reconnect with others, exchange your thoughts, opinions, experience and knowledge so that you can easily resolve your problem and overcome any obstacle in life in a way that serves you the best; this will also open the gates to the universal and cosmic knowledge in a very useful and powerful way.

Remember that each and every one of us is learning different lessons in life and their experiences, tips and tricks along the way could be beneficial for you to use this “data base knowledge” if you want to live a stress-free and harmonious life. As the saying reads: “The wise people learn from the foreign experience and mistakes, while the stupid people learn from their own experience and mistakes.” So, herewith I would like to share with you one of my favorite tips of dealing with the daily stress which helped me many times to resolve my difficulties in life and come back on the flow with a new charge of energy, with greater power and wisdom.

It is called “my unique passion in life” and as it is related to your sacred essence it will always give you the power to overcome your hardship. As a matter of fact, the cause of each problem as well as its solution is rooted in your passions. So, which are the things that can disturb you and make you mad? And which are the things you are most likely to do in order to feel again centered and balanced, happy and relaxed? What I mean is that when a problem or a difficult situation occurs in your life it is a very good approach to start digging into your inner world and remember a passion or something that you have deep inside yourself which can always act as an emotional trigger to help you feel happy and balanced, centered and relaxed again.

Try not to put labels on yourself or compare yourself to others, or underestimating yourself by thinking that you are equal to your work /I used to do this from time to time when I associate myself on a subconscious level with my work at the office/. It could be very difficult for you to recognize yourself without labels; but without releasing those old limiting beliefs about yourself it will be impossible to reconnect with your true self and core essence. Yes, sometimes it is really very hard to understand or to remember who we truly are, because we are focused on who we think we are or who we “want” to be but that is not usually our real authenticity. Such self-delusions and illusions can block our way back to the pure essence of who we really are in truth.

When you can stop the mental chatting in your head then in the silence you can tap in your heart space, begin to meditate, rebalance yourself and remember at least one unique passion of yourself or one thing you love to do most of all that makes you happy and fulfilled, focused and balanced as if time and nothing else exists for you: thus you become fully present in the present moment and thus you may center inside your true self.

Using other women’s big data base knowledge and experience can also help you not to lose time, efforts, money and other resources to find out what is good for you. Through the process of remembering the only one thing that makes you really joyful passionate in life, you could connect with your unique passion especially in times of difficulties when things go in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable and disconnected from your life duties. This connection with your sacred essence through your passion will help you strengthen yourself and create your dreamed life.

Your outer world is just a reflection of your inner world consisting of your words, wishes and inner states, so being fully and truly present in your core essence allows you to make good decisions and take the proper steps to realize your goals.

Right now is the time for you to start using this simple tip of reopening your unique passion every time when you feel things go in the wrong direction as this simple tip can help you stay focused, balanced and connected with your Divine essence. Try to find out and keep in mind your unique passion for at least 21 days and be open and vigilant to see what new opportunities and blessings will enter your world.

Remember that this is a good way for you to find out an exit from any life labyrinth or to see the best possible solution for every life riddle. Therefore, revealing more and more of your passion in life, you will move ahead easier and nothing can stop you on your way to happiness and success. As a result of this, you will live a stress-free life and will unfold your true potential during your journey on the planet Earth.

You can read more relevant information in my eBook "How to practice the lesson of BYBV". You can download the eBook for free right now!
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Category: Stress Management